TGV Lyria ticket sales calendar Book your train tickets in advance

Did you know? The earlier you book your ticket, the cheaper it will be. That’s how you get the lowest fares. But beware: our cheapest tickets sell out very quickly. So book your ticket and pack your bags: your Lyria TGV service is about to depart.

TGV Lyria ticket sales calendar

Opening of ticket

Travel dates

12 March 202412 September to 14 December 2024 Sliding

*Slipping means that on 12 March sales will be open for 12 September, that on 13 March sales will be open for 13 September, etc...

Three ticket booking tips

1 - Look ahead 🙏

Knowing when tickets go on sale is key! Yes, the secret is to buy your TGV Lyria train tickets as soon as they go on sale. The sooner the better.

2 - Be flexible 🚧

If engineering work is planned or timetables change, the date tickets go on sale may change. But don’t panic. We’ll keep you up to date on TGV Lyria services on our traffic information page.

3 - Act fast 🏆

There are only a limited number of low-fare seats. First come, first served!

I'm booking my trip
Watch out for the departure!