Legal notice

Passengers rights

To know more about the rights of rail passengers adopted by SNCF and SBB, which apply to TGV Lyria travelers.

General Terms of use of TGV Lyria website

These General Terms apply as from 24 April 2008. The website, operated by Lyria SAS, (RCS Paris B 428 678 627) has been duly declared to the CNIL under number 1049318. 

Article 1. Definitions and scope of application

1.1. Definitions 

For easier reading, the definitions below are set out in alphabetical order. "Administrator" means the person responsible for website management, in the name and on behalf of Lyria SAS. "Partner" refers to any supplier of Lyria SAS. The term "Partner" most notably includes SNCF and CFF as suppliers of train tickets and providers of the corresponding rail services. "Product" refers to train tickets sold by the Partners and other services sold by non-rail partners. "You" or "the User" refers to any person using the "Place your order" section of the website to book, order and/or purchase any rail Product offered by sncf-connect, and/or, or any other non-rail product. 

1.2. Scope of application 

These general terms of use (here after referred to as the "General Terms") apply to all services offered on the website (the "Website") up until the point where the User is redirected to Partner websites. Lyria SAS reserves the right to modify these General Terms at any time, without prior notice.

Article 2. Use of the website

The main purpose of the Website is to inform Users about TGV Lyria and to facilitate Users' searches for Products, so that they are then able to make the right booking or any other transaction directly with the Partners. 
Any fraudulent use or use which breaches the General Terms may lead to Lyria SAS's refusal to grant You access of the services offered on the Website. 

Searching for Products and placing Orders 

The Website may be used, if You so wish, for easier searching for timetables and seats available in trains departing from and arriving in the cities listed on the Website, at the dates and times You indicate. Once you have indicated the cities of departure and arrival, the dates and times of departure, return, booking class (first or second class), the number and type of passenger(s) and have clicked on "Book...", You will be automatically redirected to the website of the corresponding Partner (SNCF or CFF), depending on the place indicated for collection of tickets - France, Switzerland or other country. From then on, You can consult train times on the Partners' Website and place your order for tickets. 
The conditions for placing orders, paying, delivery, modification or cancellation of orders are the sole responsibility of the Partners, insofar as the orders are placed directly on their websites. 
Lyria SAS shall not be liable for the Products ordered and/or purchased on Partner Websites or the corresponding rail and non-rail services. Complaints about the quality of services provided on-board TGV Lyria by the Partners or their service providers should be sent to Lyria SAS via their Chatbot through the link /help/contact. Lyria SAS shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for the poor quality of service provided by the Partners or any loss or incident of any kind occurring within this framework.
Postal Address Lyria SAS : 25 rue Titon, 75011 Paris (France).

Article 3. Intellectual property

Lyria SAS holds all intellectual property rights concerning the Website. Access to the Website does not confer upon Users any entitlement to the intellectual property rights concerning the Website, which remain the exclusive property of Lyria SAS. The elements accessible on the Website, in particular in the form of texts, photographs, images, icons, maps, sounds, videos, software, databases and data, are also protected by intellectual and industrial property rights and other proprietary rights held by Lyria SAS. Unless stipulated to the contrary in these General Terms, you may not in any case reproduce, represent, modify, transmit, publish, adapt, on any medium whatsoever, by any means whatsoever, or exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or part of the Website without prior written authorisation from Lyria SAS. This prohibition, in particular but not exclusively, covers practices such as scrapping or the use of robots for the extraction or reproduction of any element on the Website. 

Article 4. Liabilities and warranties for use of the Website

Lyria SAS does not warrant that the Website will be free of discrepancies, errors or bugs, nor that these can be corrected, nor that the Website will operate without interruption and breakdowns, or that it is compatible with any specific hardware or configuration other than those expressly specified by Lyria SAS. Lyria SAS is in no case liable for malfunctions attributable to third party software, whether this is incorporated or not into the Website or supplied with it. Under no circumstances can Lyria SAS be liable for any type of predictable or unpredictable damage resulting from the use, or total or partial impossibility of using the Website. Finally, as Lyria SAS cannot control all websites, in particular Partner websites, to which it is linked by hypertext links, which exist only to facilitate User searches, Lyria SAS is in no case liable for their content. The User represents that they are aware of the characteristics and limitations of the internet, in particular its technicalperformances, response times to consult, query or transfer data, and the risks linked to the security of communications.

Article 5. Data protection and privacy

The website, operated by Lyria SAS, has been duly declared to the CNIL under number: 1049318. 
The personal data of web users are protected in accordance with the Privacy Policy that Lyria SAS makes permanently available to Users via a hypertext link at the bottom of all the Website's pages.

Article 6. Applicable law

These General Terms are subject to French law. Where amicable settlement cannot be reached, disputes concerning their interpretation and/or performance shall be under the competence of the French courts Any complaint concerning the quality of products or services provided by service providers shall be the sole liability of the latter. They alone can be taken to court.

Article 7. Final provisions 

The fact that Lyria SAS  fails, at any time, to exercise one of the provisions of these General Terms may not be interpreted as a waiver of the right by Lyria SAS to rely on it subsequently. If one of the provisions of the General Terms is declared invalid or without effect, it shall be deemed not to be written, and this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions, unless the provision declared invalid or without effect is essential and determining. 
It is specified that Lyria SAS and its Partners are separate companies, with their own autonomy and independence. None of these General Terms may be interpreted as creating a de facto company or joint undertaking between Lyria SAS and its Partners.

Privacy Policy

The website, operated by Lyria SAS, (RCS Paris B 428 678 627) has been duly declared to the CNIL under number 1049318. 

Use of data

The information which You provide on the website (the "Website" or "Lyria SAS Website") is used to process your requests. Pursuant to Article 32 of the French data protection act of 6 January 1978, information which is essential for Lyria SAS to process requests is marked with an asterisk on the Website. 
Other, optional, information requested is designed to improve understanding of User needs and so improve the services offered, while protecting User security. 

Pursuant to the French data protection act, we offer site web users who no longer wish to receive these communications the option to unsubscribe with a single click. 

Insofar as the website is an informative website, the purchase of rail products takes place directly on partner websites, namely,, or; likewise the purchase of non-rail products takes place directly on non-rail partner websites. As such, the latter are likely to send you, by post and by e-mail, information on their respective websites and how to use them, details on special offers for their rail products and non-rail product offers. Lyria SAS is not in any case liable for the processing of your data on those websites. Therefore, if you wish to refuse the processing of your personal data on those websites, it is down to you to exercise that right with the administrators of the websites in question. 

Right of refusal

Pursuant to the French data protection act, you have a right of refusal which you may exercise by sending an email to: [email protected]

Right to access, modify and delete

Pursuant to the French data protection act, you have a right to access, modify, correct and delete any of your personal information (articles 38 to 40 of the French data protection act of 6 January 1978). To exercise this right, send an email to : [email protected]

Communications from the Lyria SAS Website

Users may receive communications from the Website in the following cases : 

Submission of customer and/or agency complaints and questions/suggestions : Lyria replies to web users by email. 
Email campaigns: via the Website, especially after signing up for games or competitions, Users may be offered additional email communication in the form of commercial emails. These emails will offer Users who voluntarily signed up and therefore gave their permission occasional special offers from partners of Lyria SAS.

Protection of information provided

With respect for the trust of users who connect to the Website, Lyria SAS is careful to protect the information which it receives. In order to ensure data security, it has put in place a programme to protect data stored in its systems.

Partner Websites

When searching for a product, Users may access the sites of partners, most notably,,, with a single click. These websites are not governed by these data protection rules. Users are therefore advised to acquaint themselves with the rules applying to the use and disclosure of information which they communicate to these sites.


The website, operated by Lyria SAS, (RCS Paris B 428 678 627) has been duly declared to the CNIL under number 1049318.

Site publisher

Lyria SAS,
25 rue Titon 
75011 Paris (France)


32 Rue Fernand Pelloutier
92110 Clichy (France) 

Web design

19 rue Richer
75009 Paris (France)
