Discount cards and travelcards valid on TGV Lyria

Save on your train journeys between France and Switzerland thanks to SBB travelcards and SNCF discount cards.

Benefit from reduced fares, adapted to your profile and frequency of travel, with SNCF discount cards and SBB travelcards:

  • SBB travelcards: discounts of up to 20% on Standard and Première
  • SNCF discount cards: discounts from 30% to 60% on Standard, Première and BUSINESSERE

tgv lyria traveller train station

SNCF discount cards

You can save even more on your journeys with SNCF discount cards. Tell us a bit about yourself and we’ll tell you which card is best for you...

tgv lyria passengers on the platform boarding the train

SBB travelcards and discount cards

You can save even more on your journeys with SBB travelcards and discount cards. Ready to travel between Switzerland and France for less?