Your business trip with TGV Lyria

Yes, our train timetables offer a wide range of departure and arrival times. Yes, all our stations are centrally located. Yes, our trains are fast, connecting France and Switzerland in just a few hours.
So yes, choosing TGV Lyria means you can use your time productively, travel comfortably and with complete peace of mind, while reducing your carbon footprint. Here’s why.

4 good reasons to choose TGV Lyria

For... travelling at high speed between France and Switzerland

No, you’re not dreaming. You’re already there. Yes, Paris is just 3 hours 11 minutes from Geneva, 3 hours 41 minutes from Lausanne, 3 hours 4 minutes from Basel and 4 hours 4 minutes from Zurich!

For...travelling while staying connected

We promise you’ll feel right at home. Travelling with TGV Lyria is simply like moving from a fixed office to a mobile office. Sitting comfortably in your seat and connected to the on-board WiFi, you can pick up your working day where you left off.

For... travelling with complete peace of mind

We know that your time is precious, so we guarantee an unrivalled punctuality rate of 88%*.

For... travelling with a low carbon footprint

It’s well known that travelling by train is better for the planet. By choosing TGV Lyria, you are choosing first and foremost an environmentally-friendly mode of transport.

Did you know?  TGV Lyria trains emit up to 30 times less CO2 than a plane and 6 times less than an electric car!

For more information, go to the Ecology page.

A solution for everyone.

Do your teams make business trips between France and Switzerland? Are you concerned about the environment and committed to reducing your staff’s carbon footprint?

With TGV Lyria, you can travel both sustainably and in comfort! What’s more, you can get the most out of your travel budget.

It would be a shame to miss out.

Here’s a closer look at our (super) offers for corporate customers.

tgv lyria business travellers in the train

TGV Lyria Corporate Offer "Offre Entreprises"

Are you travelling on business between France and Switzerland? Is air travel completely out of the question for you? And are you keen to...

tgv lyria traveller business service menu la table

TGV Lyria ‘Grand Compte’ offer

Do you travel regularly on business between France and Switzerland? Air travel is definitely not an option for you, whereas peace of mind...

Let's talk about it

By completing our form:

My company is based in France           My company is based in SWITZERLAND 

We’ll take care of everything on board.

After a (not so) frantic race along the platform, you take your seat on board. It’s a miracle!

Whether you’re in Standard or Première Signature, you’ll be setting off on a truly comfortable journey with minimal environmental impact.

Admire the ever-changing view of the French and Swiss countryside, lose yourself in your favourite book, send your annual report to your colleague or enjoy a quiet nap.

Open your eyes! You’ve reached your destination. 

Attention please! Exceptional journey approaching.

Room to stretch your legs, a seat as cosy as the bed you crawled out of this morning. As well as being very comfortable, you’re also well looked after. Welcome to Première Signature.

Our on-board staff are ready to help with your every need. They’ll hand you a warm towel and serve you a menu designed by starred chef Michel Roth. You’re in for a treat this lunchtime.

It’s nice and quiet all around. There’s everything you need to work (comfortably), to doze off (like a cat) or to chat (at length), all while admiring the breathtaking views from the window.

And because a picture is worth a thousand words, immerse yourself in the high-end world of Première Signature. 

100% flexibility, especially for you

A last-minute change of schedule or a cancelled meeting?

We’ve got you covered:

  • Your ticket can be adjusted to suit your schedule: exchange or request a refund of your ticket free of charge, at any time, thanks to Total Flexibility.

Pssst: this service is available on Première Signature as part of a “Grand Compte” (key account) contract or Corporate Offer. The service is also available if you have chosen a flexible ticket.

  • Board another train that day, on the same route, without even needing to exchange your ticket. Yes, that’s what Flexible Access is all about! (in Première Signature)*

At TGV Lyria, we tailor our offer to YOUR needs.